
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Whos going to take over the Senate?

The Afordable Care Act could depend on the number of senates in each state. In the article, "The Future of Health Reform May Turn on Senate Races", written by Maggie Mahar she expresses her concern following the presidential election. Mitt Romney alone could not overturn Obamacare.It would take the republican senate to overturn it and as of right now they are still in control of the senate. 51 republicans to the 47 democrats.

Maggie states that if the republicans take the senate, " the two chambers could pass legislation that would eliminate the premium subsidies designed to make health insurance affordable for middle-income and low-income families, bring an end to Medicaid expansion, and rescind the individual mandate that everyone buy insurance or pay a tax." This is not a good thing.

Maggie goes on to say that if Obama wins this election then the democrats will only need to pick up four more seats in the senate to take over control and Obama will be able to veto most attemps from the republicans to get rid of the health care reform anyway. Of course, if Romney wins then this could mean the end of Obamacare and a whole new type of health care programs. Although, Maggie does suggest a third option that could happen and that is if Romney wins but the democrats still find a way to take over the senate. This is an unlikely to happen, but is still an option. So now its up to you to decide which healthcare you want.

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