
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

State Health Exchange Plans Extended

As we discussed in last weeks blog, all states were having to report what their plan was for the new federal healthcare plan.  According to a recent blog posted on the Beyond Health Care Reform website, it has been extended.  Not all of the states are ready to submit their decision, Some have submit their plans early, while others are still undecided.  Originally, all states were to have a plan in place by November 16th, 2012, but this has been moved up to January 1st, 2014.  Revised FAQ's on the exchange blueprint issued by the HHS pushed the federal government for an extension.

This Blog has proven to be a very helpful source because it provides a link for individuals to take a look at the current status of their states exchange process.  It allows the individual to see if their state is going to have their own plan in place, or if the state is going to have a partnership exchange, or also if the state is going to default to the federal exchange.

I recently looked up a youtube video on health care reform.  This video is awesome, it explains healthcare reform in basic terms which has helped me understand the process of our new health care plan, and also how it will work and whom it will help.  Hopefully this link to the video will help you as it has helped me.

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