
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obamacare meant for white people?

I find it interesting that many people have comments and rude remarks to say about President Obama and his health care interests. I have a friend on Facebook who, like many people, wrote constant comments on Facebook about why Obama should not be re elected and how all he is doing is bad and how all the black and Mexican people only want to vote for him so they can continue getting their free handouts. I am particularly close with this girl and found it odd that she would be saying things like that because her sister is using the free insurance that Romney is trying to get rid of.

My friend who we will call Rose, is a white women in her early 20's who just goes with the flow of what is being said and not with the facts. The comments she brings up are not only racist but incorrect. In a survey by The US Census Bureau 46 percent of white people are uninsured. That is a pretty big chunk of white people. Why is it that when we think of Medicare and health insurance peoples first thought is to blame the blacks and the minorities?

In a recent article by The Associated Press there has been an increase in racial attitudes. The jump has since increased since 2008, which is also the year Obama was elected president. Maybe people just don't like the fact that we have a black president even if his ideas are their ideas and all he wants to do is help. When the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented, 12.3 million more white people will have health insurance than have it today. I think he is helping everyone no matter their color. If Romney would have been elected 24 million white people would have been without health insurance.

These are the issues that people like my friend aren't looking close enough at. The rash idea that our tax money is going to waste on blacks and minorities needs to change. If you mad about where our money is going to look at your families and close friends and ask yourself how are they getting their health insurance? How would they survive if they weren't getting some help? How can you support someone who is trying to take something away from you rather than supporting someone who is only trying to help? Of course now white people don't have to worry about losing their insurance, at least for another four years.

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